Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Five Nexus of Resonance

A nexus is a coming together, connection. It is derived from the Latin nexere, to bind together. The plural is not, surprisingly, nexi, but rather nexuses, or nexus. I've chosen to use the singular plural, because it seems appropriate.

Resonance has five key main nexus. They exist objectively, socially, and within our individual consciousnesses. Our consciousness is created by and is the creator of the powerful resonances that exist within and between these nexus. They are not neatly separated one from another, but overlap in a myriad of wonderful and sometimes unexpected ways.

They are:

1. The big natural cycles we experience in nature. These include the astral, planetary, solar, earthly, lunar, and daily cycles that occur around us, and happen to us. They appear external to us, and are observable mostly with the naked senses. They are linked to our bodily cycles (See below, #2) through our circadian, menstrual and seasonal rhythms, mostly.

2. The cycles in our bodies. These include our respiration, heartbeat, and brainwaves, plus the various cycles of these cycles -- most particularly our circadian, lunar, and seasonal cycles. These are linked to music (#3, below) through the rhythm of the heart, the regular 16th-note pulsation of our alpha brain waves, and the more tonal frequencies of our gamma brain waves.

3. The resonance that we intentionally create. These are the sounds, sights, smells, tactile feelings, and tastes that we create through our music, art, aromas, touch, and cooking.  These align with our five senses.

4. Science and math.

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