Vibration and resonance were everywhere. Between the participants, in the presentations and discussions, in the book titles, in the product brochures. It seems like these subtle energies manifest through resonance. Question is, how, exactly?
When I asked Claude Swanson, Greg Maret, and Jim Oshman (three of the keynote speakers) what role they thought resonance played in their work, they all said, basically, "why, resonance is all there is." In his talk, Deepak Chopra said, "we are a symphony of resonances -- omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent."
Wonderful words! Question is, how do we make them applicable to everyday life? Ultimately, we want a phenomenology of resonance (phenomenology? there must be a better word...) that is practical, moving, motivational, exciting, musical...
So first thing is to say what we can now.
1. Resonance is a fundamental force in the universe.
2. Resonance is fundamental to, and connects, the "I, We, and Its" realms of existence.
3. There may be two types of resonance -- harmonic and fractal. (Though I suspect they're explainable in the same terms.)
4. Resonance is an information transmission mechanism.
5. Resonance happens at all frequencies, from the slowest galactic cycles to the highest planck frequencies and beyond.
6. Resonance is the interaction between sender and receiver; it requires duality and partnership/relationship.
7. Resonance occurs at regular intervals along the frequency scale, based on octaves and other logarithmically scaled intervals (thinking about Global Scaling).
8. Somewhat corrollary to #6: a vibration or cycle by itself does not exist. It can only exist in relation to another vibration or cycle.
9. Resonance is what links all forms of consciousness.
10. Resonance is how all subtle energy medicine works.
11. More resonance means less energy needed to accomplish the same purpose.
12. Resonance increases when energy and coherence of the "sender" increase, and when the tuning and sensitivity of the "receiver" increase.
13. Resonance takes place in gross, subtle and causal energy realms.
14. Harmonic or fractal resonance between these energy realms caues things like Platonic "ideals" vs. physical "reality." (Quotes on purpose!)
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